P1: Media& Rep

Friday 4th November 2022
To develop the language of media analysis

Starter task

What is this?
It's an album cover of the singer Pink.

What is the genre?
The genre is pop music. 

Who are the target audience?
The target is an audience who are in their teenager years. The target is more likely feminim people. 

How is the artist represented?
the artist is represented aa an really powerful women. 

What told you these thing?
The bright colour in the album cover. The way hey used the different elements on the cover. For example the starts around her face. starts stand for being really good, a leader or on an higher position then anyone else. 

Media language 

How the media through their forms, codes, conventions and techniques communicate meanings.

Genre conventions of camerawork, editing, sound and mise-en-scene
  • How are these elements used together to construct the media form so that it looks the way is does?
  • How are these elements organised or combined in an certain way to communicate meaning in the set products?
  • how does the genre develop through the use of technical elements?
How does the content incorporate the viewpoints & ideology of the producer?
How can multiple meaning be communicated and interpreted by the producer and audience?

Media representation 

How the media portray events, issues, individuals & social groups. 

Which different groups, individuals and/or events are presented or shown in each set product
What positive or negative stereotypes are evident and why?
What messages and values are communicated about different groups of people, individuals and/or events?                                                                                                                                         
  • What conclusions can we make about these representations 
  • Which groups are mis-represented or under-represented?
How are representations constructed as real?

Media context

You will also have to study the set products in relation to three media context: political,social & cultural.

You will need to consider these contexts and be able to demonstrate how the set products have been influenced by or developed in response to each context.

Diffrent contexts:
Political; the government, policy and public affairs of the country. The way in which power is used or is achieved in a country or society. 

Social; Where people live together or interact with one another on a day-to-day basis. The social structure by which we live our lives, such as religion, education, family media communications, laws and government. How these social structures affect our behaviours, values and thinking.

Cultural; The attitudes, values, beliefs, practices, costumes and shared behaviour of people. It includes all aspects of 'life': language, the products we make, the rings we do and how we do them.
It also includes cultural products such as art, music, literature and media. 

elements that are unarguable; the factual elements

elements that are arguable; elements that are personal to the viewer 

Reading and image 
The effect a media image has

What are the denotative elements?
A men is holding a baby. They both have their eyes closed. The Baby wearing a diaper and the man isn't wearing any top. His upper body is full with tattoos. His accessories are an watch, neckless and earrings. On the bottom on the right side is and parental advisory. and in the middle of the picture is written 'Royalty'
What are the connotative elements?
The way the cuddle with each other lets it seem like their are a family. The baby probably the mans daughter. The picture is an album cover. from the way the picture is designed and the fonts it seems like an rap album cover. 

What are the denotative elements?
Their is and head of an women.  Her head is on the top of an motorcycle. The background is black and the photo in generel is black and white. the only colourful thing in the images is the lipstick of the women. her hair is messy and her mouth open. 
On the top of the picture is the sentence 'Born this way'. 


Monday 7th of November 2022

(never watched James Bond)

James Bond poster 1:

Who is the target audience and which elements would appeal to them?

The target audience of James Bond are clearly men. On the right side of the poster are 4 Women.     

They are half clothed and are positioned in a 'sexy' way. Attraction of straight men.

In the foreground is a man in a black suit. He is holding a gun. These elements let the movie seem

like an action movie. Those action movies with guns are the typical movies for men. 

What kind of representation is constructed?

The man is the strong person in the movie. This can be seen at the structure of the poster.

James Bond is the biggest character on the poster. It seems like the man is a strong, powerful and

protective person. and on the other side are the women, the people who need the protection.

They don't have a gun, no proper clothes and they are smaller than James Bond. They look weak and


On top is the men on the left side seem like the plot is more about male characters. He is shown really

small. It makes him look mysterious. Like he is the unknown villain. 

To sum up, the male people represented strong, powerful and important characters in the storyline.

The women seem more like entertainment for the audience. 

What are the possible different readings of the text?

The text gives a different experience about the movie. One of the most obvious readings is that it's

more like a man movie and the woman have more like a background role.

What contextual information is assumed?

It's assumed that the audience knows the context of the story line when looking at the poster.

For example the audience needs to know that the man in the black suit is James Bond and he is the

main character of the whole movie. When you know this information and his job it is way easier to

understand the meaning of the gun or the mystery guy on the left side.

James Bond poster 2:

Who is the target audience and which elements would appeal to them? What kind of representation is constructed?

The target audience are men. One element that would appeal men are the drawings of the characters. the man is in a really strong position. He stands in the front and looks directly at the audience. James Bond is represented strongly and independently. But the woman behind him depends on James Bond. The way she looks at him and touches him makes it clear she can't stand without him. So the man is in a higher power range then a woman. That's something a man could attract, the feeling that the men will have the main role and power and the woman will be weaker and needs a man.                               

What are the possible different readings of the texts?

The elements shown on the poster give different possibilities of understanding. The hand behind James Bond's body could be the Hands from the woman. so that he gets manipulated from the one woman. or the multiple hands stand for different women and the hands stand for more woman power. 

What contextual information is assumed?

It's assumed that the audience knows the context of the story line when looking at the poster. For example the audience needs to know that the man in the black suit is James Bond. And maybe it's important to have watched the first James Bond movie to understand the storyline. Because the man on the first poster looks like the guy on the second poster. That's why I think the second poster is another part of the storyline.

James Bond poster 3:

Who is the target audience and which elements would appeal to them?

Different from the other posters I would say straight man anymore. The poster isn't showing any woman anymore but only a guy. It turned more into something a bigger range of audience could be interested in. But i would say it's still focussing to target men because of the men. It shows James Bond right in a shooting. Guns stand for action films and are stereotypical more for a masculine audience. 

What kind of representation is constructed?

The poster represents man as the stereotype of masculine people. Short hair, good looking, wearing a suit and having a sporty body. The representation of a perfect man is shown. 

What contextual information is assumed?

The most important information that is assumed is to know the movie before or have some basic knowledge about James Bond. Because the poster isn't saying James Bond at all. It's important to know that 007 is his spy name. without this information some of the people who look at the poster have no clue for which type of story or movie this poster stands. 

Questions for all posters:

Has the audience changed since the 1960s? How can you tell?

The audience hasn't changed since the 1960s. But the male people and the rights and respect for women has changed since the first James Bond movie. I would say the range of men is still the same. But the perspective in front of women changed and so did the movies. 

- a strong understanding of the basic concepts shown
- you've successfully identified the main connotations and linked them to the target audience
- look at some of the other elements like colour palette and positioning too

self set targets for the next work:


Wednesday 9th of November 2022
To understand the terminology and theory needed to analyse music videos

Analyses task

At the beginning of the conversation of the student and the cannibal they use dirty single shots. They use this type of shoot to significantly talk to each other. Then they switch to a single close up  from Hannibal Lecter and just show him talking. It shows his intellectual power and that he is always one corner ahead as the student. 

The other scene I picked is the beginning scene. The camera moves in a pan sweep to the establishing shot of Hannibal Lecter. he just stands there straight up. It shows his whole room. It kinda shows his social isolation. He is just waiting for the student to arrive. 

Wednesday 16th of November
i am making another English song.
'Bibi und Tina- Maedchen gegen Jungs ':

Discuss the representation constructed in the video:
The boys and girls are represented as the completely oppesite. The girl site is typical feminim. They have long hair and wear makeup. But they are represented as strong woman who fight for their gender. 
The male site is represented really masculine. They complain about make up and show of their body. 
They are represented as the two genders could never work out together. 
Explain any intertextual references made and their meaning:
no clue what it means 
Identify the genre conventions followed or subverted:
no clue what it means
Include any context about the message of the song or video:
The music video is out of a movie. It's a kid's movie. Young kids are more likely to be disgusted of the other gender. Thats why the produces decided to let the genders be against each other. 
"Earth song':

Discuss the representation constructed in the video:
the diffrent singers in the video are all o the same level. They are represented as parts of the world. Non of them is on another level. But for example, Kanye West is highlighted. he is represented more special, because he introduces hims4elf with 'and i am Kayne west'. He seems diffrent from everyone else because for example Justin Bieber didn't say his name, only his task and life on the earth as an animal. 
The singer of the song named '     ' is represented as a loyal member of the earth. He cares about the envierment and is worried about how the humans ruin the world. He is represented as the nice guy and puts himself in a nice light. 
Explain any intertextual references made and their meaning:
no clue what it means 
Identify the genre conventions followed or subverted:
no clue what it means
Include any context about the message of the song or video:
The song got released in 2019 for the world earth day. It's about the climate change. "We have 12 years to change the way we do so many things on earth, or the damage is irreversible," the rapper said. "And within our lifetime, well within our lifetime, crazy things are going to happen. Floods, food shortages, bad air, millions of people relocated… It's like… very soon."
His expectation was it to get the song more popular when he asks a lot of famous singers to join the song. He was successful. 

Wednesday 23th of November
Research to the set text

List A: Emeli Sande- Heaven 
List B: David Guetta- Titanium 

David Guetta- Titanium

Name of artist: David Guetta 
Genre: alternative; indie; pop
Song name: Titanium 
Release year: 2011
Du schreist es laut, aber ich kann kein Wort von dir hörenYou shout it loud, but I can't hear a word you sayIch rede laut, sage nicht vielI'm talking loud, not saying muchIch werde kritisiert, aber all deine Kugeln prallen abI'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochetDu schießt mich nieder, aber ich stehe aufYou shoot me down, but I get up
ich bin kugelsicher, habe nichts zu verlierenI'm bulletproof, nothing to loseFeuer weg, Feuer entferntFire away, fire awayRicochet, du zielstRicochet, you take your aimFeuer weg, Feuer entferntFire away, fire away
Du schießt mich nieder, aber ich werde nicht fallenYou shoot me down, but I won't fallIch bin TitanI am titaniumDu schießt mich nieder, aber ich werde nicht fallenYou shoot me down, but I won't fallIch bin TitanI am titanium
Ich bin TitanI am titanium
Schneide mich nieder, aber du bist es, der weiter fallen mussCut me down, but it's you who'll have further to fallGeisterstadt und heimgesuchte LiebeGhost town and haunted loveErhebe deine Stimme, Stöcke und Steine ​​können meine Knochen brechenRaise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bonesIch rede laut, sage nicht vielI'm talking loud, not saying much
ich bin kugelsicher, habe nichts zu verlierenI'm bulletproof, nothing to loseFeuer weg, Feuer entferntFire away, fire awayRicochet, du zielstRicochet, you take your aimFeuer weg, Feuer entferntFire away, fire away
Du schießt mich nieder, aber ich werde nicht fallenYou shoot me down, but I won't fallIch bin TitanI am titaniumDu schießt mich nieder, aber ich werde nicht fallenYou shoot me down, but I won't fallIch bin TitanI am titanium
Ich bin TitanI am titanium
Summary of song meaning: 
The song is about the person himself. He says he is made out of titanium and stronger then any bullets who shoot him. for every bullet coming is the person bulletproof.  But not only bullets are shooting him, its also negative comments who criticise bounce off. The plot is no matter how many 'bullets' shot him he won't fall and stay strong like titanium. 
Description of what happens in the video:
The video is about a boy. He got supernatural powers and used them in school. the society around him is really shocked about his power and try to catch him. The first thing he does is driving home with his bike and pack his rucksack. Before he is able to life something like swat shows up and the boy escapes from the house. to do this he is distracting the swat with his super natural powers. He escapes in the woods and runs farer and farer. They find him anyways and want to arrest him. he uses his powers to free himself. 
Explanation how the video links to the lyrics:
The song lyrics are able to read in different contextual ways. For example its a song about someone at the edge of the society. But in this case they link together truth the supernatural powers. The lyrics are about being as strong like titanium, so super naturally strong. The boy in the music video is like bullet proof. At the end he is able to be 'bulletproof'. But only symbolic, because he is able to get rid of every bad person (they are the bullets). 

Emile Sande- Heaven

Name of artist: Emile Sande
Genre: classic soul 
Song name: Heaven 
Realise year: 2011 
Song lyrics:
Wirst du mich erkennenWill you recognise meIn diesen blinkenden Lichtern?In those flashing lights?Ich versuche, mein Herz höher schlagen zu lassenI try to keep my heart beatAber ich bekomme es nicht richtig hinBut I can't get it right
Wirst du mich erkennenWill you recognise meWenn ich auf dem Rücken liege?When I'm lying on my back?Etwas ist in mir gegangenSomethings gone inside meUnd ich kann es nicht zurückbekommenAnd I can't get it back
Oh Himmel, oh HimmelOh heaven, oh heavenIch wache mit guten Absichten aufI wake with good intentionsAber der Tag dauert immer zu langeBut the day, it always lasts too longDann bin ich wegThen I'm goneOh Himmel, oh HimmelOh heaven, oh heavenIch wache mit guten Absichten aufI wake with good intentionsAber der Tag dauert immer zu langeBut the day, it always lasts too long
Dann bin ich wegThen I'm gone
Wirst du mich erkennenWill you recognise meWenn ich aus einem Auto stehleWhen I'm stealing from a carDu wirst mich nicht mögenYou're not gonna like meIch bin nicht mehr wie früherI'm nothing like before
Wirst du mich erkennenWill you recognize meWenn ich einen anderen Freund verliereWhen I lose another friendWirst du lernen, mich zu verlassenWill you learn to leave meOder versuchen Sie es noch einmalOr give me one more try again
Oh Himmel, oh HimmelOh heaven, oh heavenIch wache mit guten Absichten aufI wake with good intentionsAber der Tag dauert immer zu langeBut the day, it always lasts too longDann bin ich wegThen I'm goneOh Himmel, oh HimmelOh heaven, oh heavenIch wache mit guten Absichten aufI wake with good intentionsAber der Tag dauert immer zu langeBut the day, it always lasts too long
Dann bin ich wegThen I'm gone
Oh Himmel, oh HimmelOh heaven, oh heavenIch warte mit guten AbsichtenI wait with good intentions
Oh Himmel, oh HimmelOh heaven, oh heavenIch warte mit guten AbsichtenI wait with good intentions
Oh Himmel, oh HimmelOh heaven, oh heavenIch warte mit guten AbsichtenI wait with good intentions
Du sagst, dass du weg bistYou say that you're awayIch versuche es, breche aber immer abI try but always breakDenn der Tag dauert immer zu lange'Cause the day always lasts too long
Dann bin ich wegThen I'm gone
Friday 25th of November
To explore the purpose, form and conventions of music videos

What are the main purpose of music videos? 
- to sell/promote a song 
- to provide a better understanding  of a song through visual elements 
- to highlight the talents of the artist- sining, dancing, performing 
- to help build a brand identity/ sell the artist 

Music video history
- 1920s-1940s: talkies, sounds and shorts 
- 1960-1963: promotion videos of music, Beatles, Bob Dylan, David Bowie
- 1975: Queen couldn't play TOTP and created video for 'Bohemian Rhapsody'
- 1981: Videos go mainstream with the creation of MTV 
- 1983: Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' takes music video to a new level 
- 1992-2004: Rise of the directors. 'Scream costs 7 million'
- 2005: Launch of YouTube and internet video sharing sides 
- 2009: Music video site VEVO launched

Codes and conventions
(for the song 'heaven')

camera work: 
-medium and close up shots


- variety of locations 
- she is styled 
- natural lighting 
- props create realism 
- artist is sining and dancing 

Friday 9th of December
To explore the use of media language and intertextuality in case study videos

Titanium intertextuality
One day, ten-year-old Elliott finds an alien in his shed. Elliott befriends the small, wrinkled alien. He calls him "E.T." and hides him in his room. E.T. gets stricken with homesickness, and Elliott wants to help his new friend connect with his family. At the same time, however, he tries to keep the alien's presence a secret from his parents, his little sister and above all from the government.
Somehow their body start to connect with each other. The government finds E.T and confiscates him. Elliot almost dies because E.

- Arguably binary oppositions with Canada as as more liberal and accepting than the isolation the boy feels 
- One of the reasons it could be set in the late 70s/early 80s is to mirror Super 8 wich was set in 1979
- For me tenuous the boy's red hat could link to supernatural clues e.g. in The Sixth Sense 
- Possible: cycling (E.T.), empty streets, no adults (halloween, 1979) and the whole Spielberg 1979/80s thing reaching out to Stranger Things fans 
- it is very filmic- superhero cinematic representations plus clear 'Hollywood 3 act structure'
- Shot of TV reporting 'Supernatural Occurrence at Local School' encodes paranormal genre conventions and time period (it's a 70s TV), to the left of frame  is a 1968 poster for Superargo: (see trailer) -> the superhero is different and powerful as metaphor 
- This intertextuality is a playful postmodern reference through bricolage to the 1968 low budget Italian/Spanish SF/superhero film but also challenges notions of order- the houses has stereotypically middle class interiors (in the film collective identity is challenged). 
- Importantly, the superhero film is also metaphor for the boy's victimisation but also supernatural power in challenging the victim stereotype- in the film, superhero Superargo 'battles faceless giants' who could be seen to those who are bullying and victimising the boy. I am Titanium' has connotations of invincibility and resistance in response 
- Linking with the postmodern, Titanium makes intertextual reference to the 2011 film released 6 months earlier Super 8- also with actor Ryan lee, also focusing on empowering young people/teenagers CLEARLY CLONEDBY? INFLUENCING STRANGER THINGS

Monday 12th of December

Explain how and why your music videos uses intertextuality effectivity

The music video 'Titanium' tries to build up the typical 1980's lifestyle with supernatural power. To build up this kind of lifestyle the music video uses intertextual effects so the audience understands the context. The boy with  links to the film E.T. This movie is set in the 1980's and is about a boy (a bit younger) who finds a creature with supernatural powers. They are almost in the same situation, the music video boy needs to hide his supernatural powers and Eliot needs to hide the creature with supernatural powers. Both of them are the main actors in the videos. Adults are the 'bad' people, because they are from the government and try to catch the creatures with supernatural powers. 

As most people know, the color red stands in most cases for superheroes and special powers. The boy has a lot of red things in his life. The beanie he is wearing, red bike, the only house with a red door and a red telephone. And no other characters wear the color red. He stands out of the 'crowd'. 

These days when you think about a boy with supernatural powers you think back to the 1980's, because most films and series about this topic are set back then. The most famous author is Spielberg. Every movie with this topic is set back in the days. And a new connection is Stranger Things, but it came out later than the music video. 

All those details subconsciously link to the 80's. One more detail is a Super Argo poster in the background. Super Argo came out around this time and is also about superheros. 

Mise en scene is also used a lot. When the boy drives to his house you see joggers. they were really typical sports wear for the time back then. The tv was a standard tv model for the time back then. 

To sum up at the end through all those references the authors build in the music video we recognise the set time and topic really fast, because we have a stereotypical imaginagen about the time back then through all those movies. 

Wednesday 4th of January
Explore viewpoints and ideologies, contexts and audience response to music video case studies
Ideology toolkit 

Explain who the following contexts, ideologies and viewpoints are incorporated in you videos.

In Titanium they are only focused on the one boy. But they have also shots on other people, but not like a run through of another individual. The boy is over the group of people he is the  only individual of the music video. 
The woman in the school is the only female and she is really scared and on the other side the man are all fearless and just follow the boy. This picture the build up of woman and men is stereotypical patriarchy. 

A woman takes a really strong position in the music video. She sings all the way through the song, without a male background voice. And she is also the only individual in the video. There are some scenes with other people in, but she is in the spotlight of the video. With the light in the background it makes her look                                          

Friday 6th of January

Tell me...

Which stereotypes of street life are used?

The most typical stereotype of streetlife they used are homeless people. It's a mix of young adults and old people that seem like they spent their whole life on the streets. 

In another scene is a clipper. it stands for smoking, drugs etc. The drug scene is typical for street life people. And also where the whole music video takes place. the streets look dirty, cheap shops, gravity on the walls and simple looking people. 

How are gender, ethnicity and sexuality represented?

Women are sexualised but only in a few scenes. It's a lady in a short red dress. It's a matter of interpretation what the storyline of this woman is, but it's possible that she is a prostitute that decides at the end to not sell her body. 

How are stereotypes of place situations used in Titanium?

I need to ask, I don't understand the question. is the place situation, the things happening right now or the environment. 

Example questions

Intertextuality can be defined as the referencing of another media text or cultural product to shape and develop meaning. Music videos are postmodern, frequently using intertextual references to create visually interesting videos that appeal to their audiences and help sell the song.

David Guetta's 'Titanium' is a narrative video that doesn't feature the artist at all and instead looks like a short film. The meaning behind the song's lyrics is amplified through the use of intertextual references to media products such as Super 8, ET, Terminator 2, Superargo & David Guetta himself. The use of these references is an important feature in the video, allowing the director to create additional meaning to amplify the lyrics and engage the audience, who will find satisfaction in recognising the references. They also help the director play with genre conventions as a way of presenting a brand identity for the artist.

'Titanium' creates a narrative that references 1980s American suburbia and culture. This is achieved through a number of intertextual filmic references, the science fiction genre themes of youth versus authority and the supernatural. ET is referenced during the bike chase through the streets and at the wooded location at the end. This reference helps the audience identify the location and time period as it looks similar to the era used in ET. It also communicates that the boy is in opposition to authority and similarly to ET, we find out that he has supernatural powers. This gives additional meaning to the lyrics as we learn that, as in ET, although he might frighten people, he is good, thus reinforcing the lyrics of the song and themes of youth versus authority and inner strength.


Explain how media language help to understand social and cultural context? (for Titanium)

This text focuses on how media language helps to understand the social and cultural context of the music video ,,Titanium". Media language is used to build up the world the video takes place in, to make the audience feel they are actually at the time period of the video or understand certain situations. For example why a woman isn't allowed to vote. The media language includes gestures, facial expressions, female and male positions,  political situations, clothing and the environment. 

The first mise en scene I would like to address the time the whole video takes place. 'Titanium' takes place in the 1980 in an stereotypically American suburban neighborhood. The streets are stereotypical, with typical looking houses. Ranch house styles are the most searched style in the US today and are common in cities and suburbs across the country. 
men are stronger than women. There is only one woman in the whole music video and she is scared and terrified of the small boy. All the men are strong and not scared at all. Different from the woman they hunt the small boy. It shows in what kind of positions women were back then. men ruled the world and were seen as strong personalities different to weak, objective, stay at home moms. 
The social context of the boy is working class. His house looks like a mess, it lets the audience assume that his parents always need to work to pay the rent or he lives on his own.

Wednesday 11th of January
Advertising: to understand the purpose of advertising and the language used to analyse texts 

Starter Task

Analyse the Media Language used in this advert.

Explain any connotations and meanings, constructed.

The woman in the picture is dressed alternative. her hair doesn't fit to the normal stereotype of woman. Its short and black.  The background is black, the text is black. The whole image is in the same colour range. 

The brand name it self is on the poster two times. On the top in black and in gold but the long form on the bottom. 

The followed structure for this advert:

Attention: mysterious looking set up alternative

Intrest: 'HYPNOTIC POISON'/ unusual modelling pose/ eyes

desire: smell is so good its hypnotic

Action: buying


Tell me

What are your personal material desires?

Why do you want them?

What is the purpose of advertising

How do they do it?


Advertisers traditionally used this approach to hook audience's attention in advertising:





Media Language Conventions

In terms of print adverts, media language refers to the TECHNICAL elements used to construct a media product so that:

- it is identifiable as an advert

- it allows the producer to convey specific messages about the product

- it appeals visually to the target audience who will want to purchase the product.

These can be categorised into the following areas:

- codes & conventions

- genre

- constructing & interpreting meaning

Specific media language elements can be divided into two distinct elements:

1. Technical Conventions (colour palette, shot type etc.)

2. Techniques to Persuade (message created by combination of technical elements)

Technical Conventions


How all the different elements are positioned and arranged


Font style, size & colour


Register, mode of address, lexis, persuasive language

Choice of image, manipulation, shot


type/angle, props, location, costume &

make up


Colour palette choice, normally only 2 or 3


Use of logo, slogan and associated colour palette


Tell me about this advert by commenting on this purpose. Before looking at how it has been achieved. 




Imagery/Mise en scene


Slogan/ brand identity

Media language analysis

For each advert, analyse the media language used in each one and the meanings they are used construct.

The advert has an cleare structure. The texts are on the right side. 'Click, the new fragrance' is the slogan of the advert. They advertise their new fragrance, telling the people it's the new trending fragrance, because you are able to smell it everywhere. In the advert it self is a guy clicking every time he is able to smell the fragrance. He smells it 1930 times. 
In conclusion, the adverts argument to convince male people is that every male person wears it and it's trending right now. 
It suggests that it is an advert and product for male people because of the mise en scene. There is only a male person on the poster. On the bottom is the actual product, it's blue and black. Those colours are typical colours for masculine products. It seems to me that h e represents everyday man. He is not especially well looking. Normal male people are able to identify themselves with the guy and are more likely to buy the product. 


Coca cola says elvis and their brand is on the same level of being iconic. His iconic hair on the side is in the shape of a coca cola. 

He is presented in the coca cola colors. The icon of him is held simple, but easily recognizable. 

'They don't make me like they used to.

we do' is the slogan of the advert. Coca cola advertises with their original taste, and no changes in their recipe. So the original coca cola. The same as Elvis was the only original icon. He can't produce songs anymore, because he died. Coca cola and elvis original songs are on the same eye level, accruing to coca cola.

Celebrity endorsement-  Andy Serkis is a famous actor and played in black panther. His face gets alot of attention . it's like an eye catcher. But he is not forced to buy a certain product, it's a charity advert. Asking for donations or help people who need help. The charity is for the topic of sexual harassment and stopping it. The slogan is 'Uk says no more 'it's none of my business'. With another information text on the right side and on the bottom of the poster. They want to stop people from looking away and start reporting and helping people in need under sexual, emotional abuse.

Techniques to Persuade

Most Commonly Used Techniques to Persuade

Persuasive language

Wording that encourages the audience to purchase the product. E.g. rhetorical questions

Scientific or statistical claim

Scientific proof or experience, specific numbers or an impressive sounding mystery ingredient

Unfinished comparison or claim

The use of phrases that aren't finished so cannot be fully compared


Play on words and exaggerate situations for example

Beauty appeal

The use of beautiful places, people and things appeal to audiences* [aspirations to become or have those things


The product is associated with a particular style of living or way of doing things


The idea of getting away from it or experiencing an adventure

Celebrity endorsement

Associates a product with a well known person to reinforce consumer aspirations - we'll buy the product because we admire/respect/want to 


Fear can be used to create worry that without this product/service things will not be as good as they could be

Advertising Genres

Adverts are usually categorised by the product or services they are selling

Therefore they cover, a range different genres: perfume so lifestyle food etc.

We will be looking at the following genres:

men's grooming product adverts

soft drinks adverts 

charity adverts

These will use some o the san conventions, but they may use them in different way to appeal to their different audiences.

Loop Task

Go back to what you wrote initially.

Add anything else in Pink/Purple.

Friday 13th of January
Advertising: representation 

Starte Task
Analyse the representations used in this advert.
Explain how these are constructed.

Today’s Questions
How do we talk about representation?
What are the common representations found in print adverts?
How are these constructed?

What are social groups?
Social groupings share biological characteristics, lifestyle preferences, choices or values. They can be grouped by demographic or psychometric values.
For example:
class & social status
regional identity
Lifestyle interests
political values
regional location

Representation in Adverts 
Representation means thinking about how an event, issue, particular social group or individual is presented to an individual through a media product.
Representation is unavoidably selective: the producer of an advert will decide how to promote the product to its target audience and, in doing so, will choose how to present the social groups or individuals included. They will also make choices about which groups or individuals NOT to include.

Dominant Group
Within our society, there is a dominant group that holds positions of power within social institutions or owns the production of cultural products, such as the news.
Many theorists suggest that, in general, members of this group have the following characteristics:

middle aged
middle class
university educated

Domination Ideology 
It is often argued that the dominant social group, by having access to power and means of communication, has control and influence over the ways in which other social groups are seen and understood.
Their social experience, beliefs and values are known as dominant ideology and its from this perspective that all social groups will be influenced

Subordinate Groups
Anyone not fitting these characteristics would be classed as being from a subordinate group. However, some individuals can fit into both dominant and subordinate groups simultaneously. E.g. A white British; working class woman would fall into the dominant ethnic group but also the subordinate class and gender group
This identifies that these groups have ideologically, less economic and political power and social status within society than the dominant group.
The existing of these binary oppositions suggests that the representation of individuals and social groups will always involve bias towards the dominant group.

Representation in Adverts 

Producers, consciously or subconsciously, can also construct and reflect wider social attitudes to a range of issues and events.
These representations can be influenced by the following:
- Producers themselves are often part of the dominant social group
- Representations constructed are likely to reinforce the producer's own values and experience
- Adverts targeting wide audiences may be more likely to reinforce rather than challenge dominant ideology in an attempt to persuade audiences to buy unquestioningly rather than question the message behind the product

Representations are often constructed using stereotypes. The use of positive and negative stereotyping communicates ideology to influence the audience.
Stereotypes attach specific values or idea to a group of people which are generalised and largely inaccurate. However the frequency with which they are used in society leads them to become accepted.


When analysing representation, we can use the mnemonic CAGEDS:

Which areas could you discuss in this advert?

Processes of representation and construction realism

Selection & Combination of events issues social groups & individuals: how the elements see in an advert are combined to construct a particular meaning.
Choices made about how to represent: these choices depend on the values of the advertiser, the target audience and the product.

The use of positive & negative stereotypes: question whether these reflect wider common stereotypes used in advertising or not.

Social groups who are under or misrepresented: used the CAGEDS mnemonic to help discover this. question how and why has happend.

Impact of industry contexts on producer choices: these choices are often driven by economic factors relating to production costs, the product and the target audience.

How the media constructs versions of reality: refers to the way a print advert may use stereotypes as
shortcuts to communicate the advert's message and reach the intended audience.

How representations make claims about realism: These are made through the way the media language used influences the reader to accept its representations as real rather than simply a point of view.

Different readings 
Representations require interpretations. We make judgements based on our own personal experiences, beliefs and values. This means that not all responses will be the same:
Preferred or Dominant Reading: agree with meaning & buy product
Negotiated Reading: accept the meaning but might not want the product
Oppositional Reading: reject the message and will not buy the product
Whats the PREFERRED reading for these adverts?

Loop Task

Go back to what you wrote initially.

Add anything else in Pink/Purple.

Wednesday 18th of January
Advertising: exam set texts


Why was this advert recalled?


Advert 1

Old spice:'Smell like a men'

- The old spice 'smell like a man' campaign from 2010 was a transformative mass market campaign for the aftershave brand.
- Prior to 2010 the old spice brand was associated with a much older, more mature male audience
this campaign that sought to reposition the brand and make it more accessible to younger audiences.
- The campaign features the american actor and sports star isiah mustafa.
- This poster was part of a follow up campaign in 2011 which sought to build on the success of the initial campaign.

Advert 2
Lucozade:'I belive'

- The lucozade 'i believe' campaign poster from 2013 was part of a £4m mass market campaign to educate consumers about how the soft drink brand can help improve people's sports performance.
- It features a range of sports personalities, including footballer gareth bale as a key brand ambassador.
- The campaign aimed to bring to life the claim that it hydrates you better than water'. The brand wanted the advert to reinforce how they were combining scientific expertise with product innovation.

Advert 3

Shelter:'A home for everyone'

- Shelter, the uk-based housing and homelessness charity, launched 'a home for everyone campaign in 2011.

- As a non-commercial product, it encouraged donations to charity rather than a purchase of a product.

- It was produced for those at risk of homelessness to point them to shelter's free services and guide them to seek advice on issues around homelessness earlier.

Research and context

For each advert:
- Overview of Brand/Organisation
    - Brand image & values (before & after)
    - Previous advertising campaigns
    - Star vehicle: representation & values
    - Advertising campaign content
    - Social context (UK)

Old Spice:
In 1937, the Shulton company, founded in New York in 1934 as a soap factory by William Lightfoot Schultz, launched a women's perfume under the name "Early American Old Spice".
Inspired by the spirit of the times and customer demands, a product for men was also created. With the spicy scent of cinnamon, sage, heliotrope, cedar and lemon and a matching packaging design, he wanted to evoke the colonial spirit, seafaring, freshness and the sea. As a sign of this orientation, sailing ships from the time of the founding of America were chosen as the first brand logo.
In the mid-fifties of the last century, Old Spice aftershave came to the German cosmetics market in a milk-colored glass bottle with a rolled-up dosage cap. In addition to aftershave, there was also shaving foam from an aerosol can, cream from a tube and soap from a jar or sliding tube. The brand stood for tart, masculine freshness and celebrated its greatest successes in the mid-seventies.
Advertising slogans such as "Fresh as a breeze" (1956) or "Cool and fresh as the wind of the sea" (around 1975) supported the brand in the early years.
In 2008, slogans such as "Smell like a man, man" or "The original. If your grandfather didn't wear it, you wouldn't exist."
In 2010, Procter & Gamble launched an advertising campaign on the Internet with football star Isaiah Mustafa that helped reach new target groups.

Shelter was founded in 1966. This organization is a contact point for homeless people or for people who are about to slip into homelessness. Their first media appearance was on the BBC.
  • Total incoming resources: £60,902,000
  • Total expenditure: £62,874,000
  • Fundraising costs: £18,852,000
  • Total cost of charitable activities: £44,022,000
England financial crisis 2011:

Friday 20th of January
Advertising: analysing and context

Magazine Advert in 2011

'The hilarious series of viral spots featuring Isaiah Mustafa who promoted Old

Spice shower gel scooped a plethora of industry awards (including the Grand Prix for film at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival) last year and helped the 7-decade old brand double the sales.

Those commercials, as well as the answer videos on YouTube, were extremely popular, and when the brand said that Isaiah had left the campaign, at heart people believed that the Old Spice Guy would be back. And he has done it.

Old Spice with Wieden+Kennedy Portland, the agency behind the campaign, announced the return of the much-loved Guy, who will be featured in new adverts to air the day after the Super Bowl.

"We felt like we could build some excitement behind this latest launch, letting people know we're bringing Isaiah back, and continue to reward our fans across social media," commented James Moorhead, brand manager for Old Spice.

The news was also posted to Old Spice social media and YouTube channels. The message "Hello Ladies! As well as men, mammal beasts and the mighty sequoias of the redwood forests" was coupled with a YouTube link to a video, in which Mustafa explains why he's back. As it turns out, it's not because he's forgotten to take his jacket, but that he is going to promote Old Spice Fresh Collection, a line of deodorant, body spray and body wash, which was inspired by some of the freshest places on the planet. The Old Spice Guy will star in all-new two 15-second and one 30-second adverts (in one of them, he'll be wearing a long grass skirt) as well as in print and digital media, which takes us to a "scent vacation" in exotic places like Cypress, Denali, Fiji, Matterhorn and Komodo.'

'I am back' clip in 2011

'Isaiah Mustafa's Old Spice campaign is back and this time it is in a playful print ad form. Although Mustafa's charming and suave nature stole people's hearts in the commercials, these Old Spice print ads surely will continue his ultimate man legacy in a more surreal and magical manner.

Conceived and executed by Portland-based ad agency Wieden + Kennedy, the Old Spice print ad campaign illustrates the paradises that each new deodorant was made to smell like: Matterhorn, Fiji and Komodo. With the tagline, 'Become one of the freshest places on earth,' Mustafa seems to have taken that sentiment a bit to the extreme.

The Old Spice print ad campaign was art directed and copy written by Craig Allen and Eric Kallman, and photographed by Hugh Kretschmer. Unfortunately, there is no word on who did the illustrations.'

Context: 1960s

Sixties male grooming advertising consisted of two elements: (1) manly superstuds, the hairier the better andior (2) the women who can't resist them. The brand Musk is literally represented as a pheromone, propelling women to involuntarily throw themselves at the male wearer. The promise: a lifetime of easy promiscuity.

Context: 1970s

Context 1980s and 90s


Rebranding is a massive challenge for a brand. Uniqueness is key, particularly industries where the amount of competition is intense. Modern research shows that brands must connect emotionally with their target audience if they are to stand out.

In 2010 Old Spice introduced a campaign seeking a fresh brand image after decades of simply implementing the same message. The result was one of the most successful campaigns in advertising history as an example of how a 75 year old brand was able to reinvent and sustain itself via the use of a range of promotional media - TV, print, online, social media.

For us, the focus is on the meaning/response of the OCR set product - the

'Fresh Places' campaign of 2011. OCR are clear that we must also consider how it represents the contexts of this era. To do so we need to be aware of the nature of branding and of the shift in the social and cultural contexts that shape the OCR product.

Brand image

Task 1: In your own words, explain the rebranding Old Spices has had from its original image to now.

The brand Old spices was popular in the 60's to the 90's. Through that the brand of old spices was an old brand and smell. A Lot of people connect old spices with their grandpa. No customer wants to have the feeling of smelling like a grandpa. 
As a result of that the brand Old spices needed to do a rebrand, with the intention to get a young brand again. They had a financial crisis and the sales went massively down. To be a part of the competition again the brand started a cooperation with the american football star Isaiah Mustafa. 
To get popular again they advertise to smell like the freshest places on the planet. With their over the top descriptions of the smell it gives new customers a fresh and masculine. 
The original advert is just the perfume itself. It's not catching the attention of the audience. Compared the new advert is like a eye catcher. The man on the cover is stereotypically masculine, well looking. He is surrounded by a lot of elements. It makes the audience look at the advert. 
Another point is that the newest advert is represented with a lot of bright colours. The blue sky, the beach, fire etc. makes it look like a bright powerful smell. The old advert makes it seem like an old odd smell. The background is mostly brown with interior. Another point I would like to address is the adventure the new advert promises. On the old old advert there isn't anything going on. They imply the adventure through the compass but actually do not show it. The new advert shows the adventures and experiences you would get through the series of the smell.
Added to this they made a whole series of adverts. Not only posters, but also videos. All the videos and posters have a bit of a joke in them. For example 'This fact has not been fact checked'. Those small jokes or alternative actions make the whole brand a bit more relaxed and not like a strict white grandpa smell. 

Model for textual analysis

What can you see?
Who/what is being represented?


How does this create meaning? 

How does this represent the subject?

Who is the target audience? 


Why has the producer chosen to represent the subject like this?

Why use this media language?



How effective was this use of media language?

How would you use this technique for your own productions?

Task 2

Analyse how media language and representation has been used in this advert.
Identify what
In the advert below I can see a beach with palm trees, a sea and a blue sky. seven different people are drawn on this beach. The two women do normal beach things, getting tanned and swimming. On the other side the male people are in trouble and experience adventures at the beach. For example getting stabbed by a waterman. The whole beach is carried by a dark skinned well looking man. He has an exploding volcano on his head. On the right side is a text and the brand name. And also two grooming products. 
The colour are bright, joyful and give a good vibe.
The brand Old spices get represented by this advert with their new line Bahamas.
Consider what
The advert creates a world full of adventures when you use Old spices. Old spices target audience are men who want to be like the stereotypical masculine man in the image. and women who buy this product for their boyfriend, because they want their men to be the same as the men in the advert. 
Investigate why
The stereotypes for masculinity are more likely to be from the 60s, 70s and 80s. The male protagonist of the advert is strong, brave, smart, crafty and attractive. He is filling in the grid of old stereotypes. These days there isn't just one kind of man. There are a lot of differences at once, for example soft, homosexual etc.
But it makes the advert quite unique. Mostly these days advertisements show men with modern stereotypes, for example 'Boys will be Boys' from gillette. When a stereotypical 80s advert comes up again it could attract women who like stereotypical men or men who want to be really masculine. 
The small drawn figures are used to show the adventures you could experience with old spice.
And also the joke on the right side, they want to represent themselves as a relaxed brand and not strict.
Evaluate how
the media language gives the effect of an adventure right away. It makes it to look at.

Task 3

How does the advert reflect the cultural & social context of the time?

To answer this, we need to think about a few things. Use the following prompts to help you answer the question:

What are the attitudes towards mens grooming?
What do we understand about the concept of masculinity no
What do we associate with Caribbean cultures?

Wednesday 25th of January
Advertising: masculinity

Starter Task

What is the ULTIMATE man in the 21st century like? Find some examples from the media which support this.

more soft men are represented on social networks. 

Male stereotypes 

Masculinity is often represented in media texts through using stereotypes or set characters (archetypes): encoded via a range of semiotic codes - dress, speech, performance, etc.

Why do we rely on stereotypes?

Thinking point 

Which statement do you agree with?

The way the media represents people impacts on society's views as a whole

Society's views determine how people are represented in the media

Representation of men 

Stereotypically men in the media are represented differently from women but their representation, like that of women, has changed in order to address changes in society. It also changes based on who the text is aimed at...

Traditional representation of masculinity- 1970s/80s

Task: Define the traditional traits/characteristics of masculinity shown in early representations of men, in texts aimed AT me


Flare trousers

facial hair

having a familiy

being strong

having a job to feed the family

not fully closed shirts

Traditional representations of masculinity-1970s/80s

  • Rugged features
  • Moustaches and stubble
  • Long hair
  • Demin
  • Open shirt and medallions
  • Being rough and ready
  • Action, violence and general 'toughness'

Why has it changed so much?

Contemporary representations of masculinity 

Modern characters are seen as in being touch with their feminine side, their sexuality, showing emotions, shopping and taking care of their appearance.

Contemporary representations of masculinity: Hyper Masculinity 

Modern characters may also be ironically masculine to the point of parody.



I don't think the old spice advert matches modern stereotypes for masculinity. 

The stereotypes for masculinity are more likely to be from the 60s, 70s and 80s. The male protagonist of the advert is strong, brave, smart, crafty and attractive. he is filling in the grid of old stereotypes. In these days there isn't just one kind of man. There are a lot of differences at once, for example soft, homosexual etc.

But it makes the advert quite unique. Mostly these days advertisements show men with modern stereotypes, for example 'Boys will be Boys' from gillette. When a stereotypical 80s advert comes up again it could attract women who like stereotypical men or men who want to be really masculine. 

What cultural ideologies might inform this campaign?

Thank you so much for the media lessons during my stay. I really enjoyed  media studies and found a few friends through your class. I think the best task was the cowboy short film, but I loved to discuss media language etc. during the lessons.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Lena Hähndel :)


  1. CLASS NOTES: excellent and detailed

    007 HOMEWORK: well done Lena, a strong understanding of the basic concepts shown.
    WWW: you've successfully identified the main connotations and linked them to the target audience
    EBI: you could look at some of the other elements like colour palette and positioning too.

  2. MUISC VIDEO ANALYSIS: a good start.
    Ok so, the terms you are struggling with...
    Intertextuality: when the MV references any other text ( a film, TV show, another music video etc) E.g. when the Eminem video copied the old batman TV series
    Genre conventions: elements that make it obvious that the MV belongs to that genre and not another. e.g. you might expect footage of a band playing and performing in a rock video.

    Good detailed notes

  3. Lena - you were a fab student who really embraced the subject - you will be missed! Good luck for the future xx


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